Authors > Papers - writing instructions


The whole article is written in one single column and a maximum of 3 600 words, excluding the abstract, the bibliography, authors’ biographical notices and captions of illustrations.

  • The title of the article fits in one line, in Arial 14, bold, black.
  • 1 line break (font size 14).
  • Authors’ names, in Arial 10, bold, black, immediately followed by the names of the institutions of the authors, in Arial 8, light, black.
  • 7 line breaks (font size 8).


  • The article is written in Arial 12, light, black. French or English can be used. No personal enrichment of the text is proposed.
  • The summary is written in a maximum of 300 words. It presents the objectives, methods and results.
  • 1 line break (font size 26).
  • Then the article begins by an introduction, written in a maximum of 200 words.
  • The author/s develop/s the article into a considered number of parts, as wished.
    • Titles (1, 2, 3 ...) of each part, following the introduction, are written in Arial 12, bold, black, upper case letters.
    • The subtitles of each part (1.1., 1.2., 1.3. / 2.1., 2.2.…) are written in Arial 12, bold, black, small letters.
    • 1 line break between the end of one part (1, 2…) and the following (font size 26).
    • 1 line break between the end of a sub part (1.1., 1.2.., …) and the following (font size 20).
  • The article ends with a conclusion that highlights the interests, results and future prospects of the initiative.
  • 1 line break (size 26).


  • Title in Arial 10, bold, black.
  • 1 line break (font size 20).

Bibliographic references just include publications mentioned in the paper.

Check if the references in the text of the article are well integrated … (Frey 2010)…

The references are written in Arial 10, light, black, and in the following format:

  • Frey, P. (2010). Learning from vernacular, Actes Sud, Arles, p. 22.
  • Houben, H. et Guillaud, H. (1989). Traité de construction en terre, Parenthèses, Marseille.
  • Serres, M. (2003). Le temps humain : de l’évolution créatrice au créateur d’évolution. Dans PICQ, P., et al., Qu’est-ce que l’humain ? Editions Le Pommier, Paris.
  • Doat et al. Consrutire en terre, Alternatives, Paris.
  • 1 line break (font size 20).


Maximum 6 illustrations for the whole article, including photographs, drawings, charts and tables, are accepted. Each proposed illustration is referenced in the text (Fig. 1 / Fig. 2, etc.). The caption of each illustration is written in one line, in Arial 10, light, black, in italics.


Maximum of 4 to 5 lines, in Arial 10, light, black.


Deadline April 15th, 2018, at the following email address:, in Word and pdf formats.

The title of the annexed document (the article) will mention: TERRA Education III_ author’s surname_identification n° of the article.

The illustrations will be attached individually. Each illustration will be named as followed: the identification number of the article _ Fig. n° of the figure.

If the Scientific Committee deems it necessary, the articles will be returned with recommendations for revision and the final articles send back before May 1st, 2018.

Deadline for sending your articles: April 15th, 2018.

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